Admission Procedure

Class I onwards

  1. Written Test

    • Subjects: English, Maths, Hindi/Assamese (on the basis of previous class)

  2. Birth Certificate, PEN Number & Result from previous school.

    • (Age must be 6+ years for Class I) 

  3. Guardian Identity proof (Xerox- Driving Licence or Aadhar Card)

Class II onwards

  1. Written test

    • Subjects: English, Maths, Hindi/Assamese (on the basis of previous class)

  2. Birth Certificate, PEN Number, Transfer Certificate & Result from previous school

  3. Guardian Identity proof (Xerox) (Driving Licence, Aadhar Card)

Nursery & K.G.

  1. Birth certificate from the competent authority (Xerox Copy) (Age must be 3+ years for Nursery)

  2. Guardian Identity proof (Xerox) (Driving Licence, Aadhar Card)

  3. An introductory meeting with pupil, both the parents and school head